Sunday, June 5, 2016



ATS_DN16_001 - Dynamic and Public Auditing with Fair Arbitration for Cloud Data
          Cloud users no longer physically possess their data, so how to ensure the integrity of their outsourced data becomes a challenging task. Recently proposed schemes such as “provable data possession” and “proofs of retrievability” are designed to address this problem, but they are designed to audit static archive data and therefore lack of data dynamics support. Moreover, threat models in these schemes usually assume an honest data owner and focus on detecting a dishonest cloud service provider despite the fact that clients may also misbehave. This paper proposes a public auditing scheme with data dynamics support and fairness arbitration of potential disputes. In particular, we design an index switcher to eliminate the limitation of index usage in tag computation in current schemes and achieve efficient handling of data dynamics. To address the fairness problem so that no party can misbehave without being detected, we further extend existing threat models and adopt signature exchange idea to design fair arbitration protocols, so that any possible dispute can be fairly settled. The security analysis shows our scheme is provably secure, and the performance evaluation demonstrates the overhead of data dynamics and dispute arbitration are reasonable.

ATS_DN16_002 - Enabling Cloud Storage Auditing with Verifiable Outsourcing of Key Updates
          Key-exposure resistance has always been an important issue for in-depth cyber defence in many security applications. Recently, how to deal with the key exposure problem in the settings of cloud storage auditing has been proposed and studied. To address the challenge, existing solutions all require the client to update his secret keys in every time period, which may inevitably bring in new local burdens to the client, especially those with limited computation resources, such as mobile phones. In this paper, we focus on how to make the key updates as transparent as possible for the client and propose a new paradigm called cloud storage auditing with verifiable outsourcing of key updates. In this paradigm, key updates can be safely outsourced to some authorized party, and thus the key-update burden on the client will be kept minimal. In particular, we leverage the third party auditor (TPA) in many existing public auditing designs, let it play the role of authorized party in our case, and make it in charge of both the storage auditing and the secure key updates for key-exposure resistance. In our design, TPA only needs to hold an encrypted version of the client's secret key while doing all these burdensome tasks on behalf of the client. The client only needs to download the encrypted secret key from the TPA when uploading new files to cloud. Besides, our design also equips the client with capability to further verify the validity of the encrypted secret keys provided by the TPA. All these salient features are carefully designed to make the whole auditing procedure with key exposure resistance as transparent as possible for the client. We formalize the definition and the security model of this paradigm. The security proof and the performance simulation show that our detailed design instantiations are secure and efficient.

ATS_DN16_003 - Providing User Security Guarantees in Public Infrastructure Clouds
          The infrastructure cloud (IaaS) service model offers improved resource flexibility and availability, where tenants – insulated from the minutiae of hardware maintenance – rent computing resources to deploy and operate complex systems. Large-scale services running on IaaS platforms demonstrate the viability of this model; nevertheless, many organizations operating on sensitive data avoid migrating operations to IaaS platforms due to security concerns. In this paper, we describe a framework for data and operation security in IaaS, consisting of protocols for a trusted launch of virtual machines and domain-based storage protection. We continue with an extensive theoretical analysis with proofs about protocol resistance against attacks in the defined threat model. The protocols allow trust to be established by remotely attesting host platform configuration prior to launching guest virtual machines and ensure confidentiality of data in remote storage, with encryption keys maintained outside of the IaaS domain. Presented experimental results demonstrate the validity and efficiency of the proposed protocols. The framework prototype was implemented on a test bed operating a public electronic health record system, showing that the proposed protocols can be integrated into existing cloud environments.

ATS_DN16_004 - Service Usage Classification with Encrypted Internet Traffic in Mobile Messaging Apps
          The rapid adoption of mobile messaging Apps has enabled us to collect massive amount of encrypted Internet traffic of mobile messaging. The classification of this traffic into different types of in-App service usages can help for intelligent network management, such as managing network bandwidth budget and providing quality of services. Traditional approaches for classification of Internet traffic rely on packet inspection, such as parsing HTTP headers. However, messaging Apps are increasingly using secure protocols, such as HTTPS and SSL, to transmit data. This imposes significant challenges on the performances of service usage classification by packet inspection. To this end, in this paper, we investigate how to exploit encrypted Internet traffic for classifying in-App usages. Specifically, we develop a system, named CUMMA, for classifying service usages of mobile messaging Apps by jointly modeling user behavioral patterns, network traffic characteristics and temporal dependencies. Along this line, we first segment Internet traffic from traffic-flows into sessions with a number of dialogs in a hierarchical way. Also, we extract the discriminative features of traffic data from two perspectives: (i) packet length and (ii) time delay. Next, we learn a service usage predictor to classify these segmented dialogs into single-type usages or outliers. In addition, we design a clustering Hidden Markov Model (HMM) based method to detect mixed dialogs from outliers and decompose mixed dialogs into sub-dialogs of single-type usage. Indeed, CUMMA enables mobile analysts to identify service usages and analyze end-user in-App behaviors even for encrypted Internet traffic. Finally, the extensive experiments on real-world messaging data demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed method for service usage classification.

ATS_DN16_005 - Text Mining the Contributors to Rail Accidents
          Rail accidents represent an important safety concern for the transportation industry in many countries. In the 11 years from 2001 to 2012, the U.S. had more than 40 000 rail accidents that cost more than $45 million. While most of the accidents during this period had very little cost, about 5200 had damages in excess of $141 500. To better understand the contributors to these extreme accidents, the Federal Railroad Administration has required the railroads involved in accidents to submit reports that contain both fixed field entries and narratives that describe the characteristics of the accident. While a number of studies have looked at the fixed fields, none have done an extensive analysis of the narratives. This paper describes the use of text mining with a combination of techniques to automatically discover accident characteristics that can inform a better understanding of the contributors to the accidents. The study evaluates the efficacy of text mining of accident narratives by assessing predictive performance for the costs of extreme accidents. The results show that predictive accuracy for accident costs significantly improves through the use of features found by text mining and predictive accuracy further improves through the use of modern ensemble methods. Importantly, this study also shows through case examples how the findings from text mining of the narratives can improve understanding of the contributors to rail accidents in ways not possible through only fixed field analysis of the accident reports.

ATS_DN16_006 - MMBcloud-tree: Authenticated Index for Verifiable Cloud Service Selection
          Cloud brokers have been recently introduced as an additional computational layer to facilitate cloud selection and service management tasks for cloud consumers. However, existing brokerage schemes on cloud service selection typically assume that brokers are completely trusted, and do not provide any guarantee over the correctness of the service recommendations. It is then possible for a compromised or dishonest broker to easily take advantage of the limited capabilities of the clients and provide incorrect or incomplete responses. To address this problem, we propose an innovative Cloud Service Selection Verification (CSSV) scheme and index structures (MMBcloud-tree) to enable cloud clients to detect misbehavior of the cloud brokers during the service selection process. We demonstrate correctness and efficiency of our approaches both theoretically and empirically.

ATS_DN16_007 - Identity-Based Proxy-Oriented Data Uploading and Remote Data Integrity Checking in Public Cloud
          More and more clients would like to store their data to public cloud servers (PCSs) along with the rapid development of cloud computing. New security problems have to be solved in order to help more clients process their data in public cloud. When the client is restricted to access PCS, he will delegate its proxy to process his data and upload them. On the other hand, remote data integrity checking is also an important security problem in public cloud storage. It makes the clients check whether their outsourced data are kept intact without downloading the whole data. From the security problems, we propose a novel proxy-oriented data uploading and remote data integrity checking model in identity-based public key cryptography: identity-based proxy-oriented data uploading and remote data integrity checking in public cloud (ID-PUIC). We give the formal definition, system model, and security model. Then, a concrete ID-PUIC protocol is designed using the bilinear pairings. The proposed ID-PUIC protocol is provably secure based on the hardness of computational Diffie-Hellman problem. Our ID-PUIC protocol is also efficient and flexible. Based on the original client's authorization, the proposed ID-PUIC protocol can realize private remote data integrity checking, delegated remote data integrity checking, and public remote data integrity checking.

ATS_DN16_008 - Fine-grained Two-factor Access Control for Web-based Cloud Computing Services
          In this paper, we introduce a new fine-grained two-factor authentication (2FA) access control system for web-based cloud computing services. Specifically, in our proposed 2FA access control system, an attribute-based access control mechanism is implemented with the necessity of both a user secret key and a lightweight security device. As a user cannot access the system if they do not hold both, the mechanism can enhance the security of the system, especially in those scenarios where many users share the same computer for web-based cloud services. In addition, attribute-based control in the system also enables the cloud server to restrict the access to those users with the same set of attributes while preserving user privacy, i.e., the cloud server only knows that the user fulfills the required predicate, but has no idea on the exact identity of the user. Finally, we also carry out a simulation to demonstrate the practicability of our proposed 2FA system.

ATS_DN16_009 - Cloud workflow scheduling with deadlines and time slot availability
          Allocating service capacities in cloud computing is based on the assumption that they are unlimited and can be used at any time. However, available service capacities change with workload and cannot satisfy users’ requests at any time from the cloud provider’s perspective because cloud services can be shared by multiple tasks. Cloud service providers provide available time slots for new user’s requests based on available capacities. In this paper, we consider workflow scheduling with deadline and time slot availability in cloud computing. An iterated heuristic framework is presented for the problem under study which mainly consists of initial solution construction, improvement, and perturbation. Three initial solution construction strategies, two greedy- and fair-based improvement strategies and a perturbation strategy are proposed. Different strategies in the three phases result in several heuristics. Experimental results show that different initial solution and improvement strategies have different effects on solution qualities.

ATS_DN16_010 - Publicly Verifiable Inner Product Evaluation over Outsourced Data Streams under Multiple Keys
          Uploading data streams to a resource-rich cloud server for inner product evaluation, an essential building block in many popular stream applications (e.g., statistical monitoring), is appealing to many companies and individuals. On the other hand, verifying the result of the remote computation plays a crucial role in addressing the issue of trust. Since the outsourced data collection likely comes from multiple data sources, it is desired for the system to be able to pinpoint the originator of errors by allotting each data source a unique secret key, which requires the inner product verification to be performed under any two parties’ different keys. However, the present solutions either depend on a single key assumption or powerful yet practicallyinefficient fully homomorphic cryptosystems. In this paper, we focus on the more challenging multi-key scenario where data streams are uploaded by multiple data sources with distinct keys. We first present a novel homomorphic verifiable tag technique to publicly verify the outsourced inner product computation on the dynamic data streams, and then extend it to support the verification of matrix product computation. We prove the security of our scheme in the random oracle model. Moreover, the experimental result also shows the practicability of our design.

ATS_DN16_011 - Inverted Linear Quadtree: Efficient Top K Spatial Keyword Search
With advances in geo-positioning technologies and geo-location services, there are a rapidly growing amount of spatiotextual objects collected in many applications such as location based services and social networks, in which an object is described by its spatial location and a set of keywords (terms). Consequently, the study of spatial keyword search which explores both location and textual description of the objects has attracted great attention from the commercial organizations and research communities. In the paper, we study two fundamental problems in the spatial keyword queries: top k spatial keyword search (TOPK-SK), and batch top k spatial keyword search (BTOPK-SK). Given a set of spatio-textual objects, a query location and a set of query keywords, the TOPK-SK retrieves the closest k objects each of which contains all keywords in the query. BTOPK-SK is the batch processing of sets of TOPK-SK queries. Based on the inverted index and the linear quadtree, we propose a novel index structure, called inverted linear quadtree (IL-Quadtree), which is carefully designed to exploit both spatial and keyword based pruning techniques to effectively reduce the search space. An efficient algorithm is then developed to tackle top k spatial keyword search. To further enhance the filtering capability of the signature of linear quadtree, we propose a partition based method. In addition, to deal with BTOPK-SK, we design a new computing paradigm which partition the queries into groups based on both spatial proximity and the textual relevance between queries. We show that the IL-Quadtree technique can also efficiently support BTOPK-SK. Comprehensive experiments on real and synthetic data clearly demonstrate the efficiency of our methods.

ATS_DN16_012 - Securing SIFT: Privacy-preserving Outsourcing Computation of Feature Extractions over Encrypted Image Data
Advances in cloud computing have greatly motivated data owners to outsource their huge amount of personal multimedia data and/or computationally expensive tasks onto the cloud by leveraging its abundant resources for cost saving and flexibility. Despite the tremendous benefits, the outsourced multimedia data and its originated applications may reveal the data owner’s private information, such as the personal identity, locations or even financial profiles. This observation has recently aroused new research interest on privacy-preserving computations over outsourced multimedia data. In this paper, we propose an effective and practical privacy-preserving computation outsourcing protocol for the prevailing scale-invariant feature transform (SIFT) over massive encrypted image data. We first show that previous solutions to this problem have either efficiency/security or practicality issues, and none can well preserve the important characteristics of the original SIFT in terms of distinctiveness and robustness. We then present a new scheme design that achieves efficiency and security requirements simultaneously with the preservation of its key characteristics, by randomly splitting the original image data, designing two novel efficient protocols for secure multiplication and comparison, and carefully distributing the feature extraction computations onto two independent cloud servers. We both carefully analyze and extensively evaluate the security and effectiveness of our design. The results show that our solution is practically secure, outperforms the state-of-theart, and performs comparably to the original SIFT in terms of various characteristics, including rotation invariance, image scale invariance, robust matching across affine distortion, addition of noise and change in 3D viewpoint and illumination.

ATS_DN16_013 - A Secure and Dynamic Multi-keyword Ranked Search Scheme over Encrypted Cloud Data
Due to the increasing popularity of cloud computing, more and more data owners are motivated to outsource their data to cloud servers for great convenience and reduced cost in data management. However, sensitive data should be encrypted before outsourcing for privacy requirements, which obsoletes data utilization like keyword-based document retrieval. In this paper, we present a secure multi-keyword ranked search scheme over encrypted cloud data, which simultaneously supports dynamic update operations like deletion and insertion of documents. Specifically, the vector space model and the widely-used TF IDF model are combined in the index construction and query generation. We construct a special tree-based index structure and propose a “Greedy Depth-first Search” algorithm to provide efficient multi-keyword ranked search. The secure kNN algorithm is utilized to encrypt the index and query vectors, and meanwhile ensure accurate relevance score calculation between encrypted index and query vectors. In order to resist statistical attacks, phantom terms are added to the index vector for blinding search results . Due to the use of our special tree-based index structure, the proposed scheme can achieve sub-linear search time and deal with the deletion and insertion of documents flexibly. Extensive experiments are conducted to demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed scheme.

ATS_DN16_014 - Protecting Your Right: Verifiable Attribute-based Keyword Search with Fine-grained Owner-enforced Search Authorization in the Cloud
Search over encrypted data is a critically important enabling technique in cloud computing, where encryption-beforeoutsourcing is a fundamental solution to protecting user data privacy in the untrusted cloud server environment. Many secure search schemes have been focusing on the single-contributor scenario, where the outsourced dataset or the secure searchable index of the dataset are encrypted and managed by a single owner, typically based on symmetric cryptography. In this paper, we focus on a different yet more challenging scenario where the outsourced dataset can be contributed from multiple owners and are searchable by multiple users, i.e. multi-user multi-contributor case. Inspired by attribute-based encryption (ABE), we present the first attribute-based keyword search scheme with efficient user revocation (ABKS-UR) that enables scalable fine-grained (i.e. file-level) search authorization. Our scheme allows multiple owners to encrypt and outsource their data to the cloud server independently. Users can generate their own search capabilities without relying on an always online trusted authority. Fine-grained search authorization is also implemented by the owner-enforced access policy on the index of each file. Further, by incorporating proxy re-encryption and lazy re-encryption techniques, we are able to delegate heavy system update workload during user revocation to the resourceful semi-trusted cloud server. We formalize the security definition and prove the proposed ABKS-UR scheme selectively secure against chosen-keyword attack. To build confidence of data user in the proposed secure search system, we also design a search result verification scheme. Finally, performance evaluation shows that the efficiency of our scheme.

ATS_DN16_015 - Secure Data Analytics for Cloud-Integrated Internet of Things Applications
        Cloud-integrated Internet of Things (IoT) is emerging as the next-generation service platform that enables smart functionality worldwide. IoT applications such as smart grid and power systems, e-health, and body monitoring applications along with large-scale environmental and industrial monitoring are increasingly generating large amounts of data that can conveniently be analyzed through cloud service provisioning. However, the nature of these applications mandates the use of secure and privacy-preserving implementation of services that ensures the integrity of data without any unwarranted exposure. This article explores the unique challenges and issues within this context of enabling secure cloud-based data analytics for the IoT. Three main applications are discussed in detail, with solutions outlined based on the use of fully homomorphic encryption systems to achieve data security and privacy over cloud-based analytical phases. The limitations of existing technologies are discussed and models proposed with regard to achieving high efficiency and accuracy in the provisioning of analytic services for encrypted data over a cloud platform.

ATS_DN16_016 - A Low-Cost Low-Power Ring Oscillator-based Truly Random Number Generator for Encryption on Smart Cards
        The design of a low-cost low-power ring oscillator-based truly random number generator (TRNG) macro-cell, suitable to be integrated in smart cards, is presented. The oscillator sampling technique is exploited and a tetrahedral oscillator with large jitter has been employed to realize the TRNG. Techniques to improve the statistical quality of the ring oscillator-based TRNGs’ bit sequences have been presented and verified by simulation and measurement. Post digital processor is added to further enhance the randomness of the output bits. Fabricated in HHNEC 0.13 m standard CMOS process, the proposed TRNG has an area as low as 0.005 mm2. Powered by a single 1.8 V supply voltage, the TRNG has a power consumption of 40 W. Bit rate of the TRNG after post processing is 100 kb/s. The proposed TRNG has been made into an IP and successfully applied in an SD card for encryption application. The proposed TRNG has passed the NIST tests and Diehard tests.

ATS_DN16_017 - Encrypted Data Management with Deduplication in Cloud Computing
Cloud computing offers a new way to deliver services by rearranging resources over the Internet and providing them to users on demand. It plays an important role in supporting data storage, processing, and management in the Internet of Things (IoT). Various cloud service providers (CSPs) offer huge volumes of storage to maintain and manage IoT data, which can include videos, photos, and personal health records. These CSPs provide desirable service properties, such as scalability, elasticity, fault tolerance, and pay per use. Thus, cloud computing has become a promising service paradigm to support IoT applications and IoT system deployment. To ensure data privacy, existing research proposes to outsource only encrypted data to CSPs. However, the same or different users could save duplicated data under different encryption schemes at the cloud. Although cloud storage space is huge, this kind of duplication wastes networking resources, consumes excess power, and complicates data management. Thus, saving storage is becoming a crucial task for CSPs. Deduplication can achieve high space and cost savings, reducing up to 90 to 95 percent of storage needs for backup applications ( and up to 68 percent in standard file systems.1 Obviously, the savings, which can be passed back directly or indirectly to cloud users, are significant to the economics of cloud business. At the same time, data owners want CSPs to protect their personal data from unauthorized access. CSPs should therefore perform access control based on the data owner’s expectations. In addition, data owners want to control not only data access but also its storage and usage. From a flexibility viewpoint, data deduplication should cooperate with data access control mechanisms. That is, the same data, although in an encrypted form, is only saved once at the cloud but can be accessed by different users based on the data owners’ policies.

ATS_DN16_018 - Dual-Server Public-Key Encryption with Keyword Search for Secure Cloud Storage
Searchable encryption is of increasing interest for protecting the data privacy in secure searchable cloud storage. In this work, we investigate the security of a well-known cryptographic primitive, namely Public Key Encryption with Keyword Search (PEKS) which is very useful in many applications of cloud storage. Unfortunately, it has been shown that the traditional PEKS framework suffers from an inherent insecurity called inside Keyword Guessing Attack (KGA) launched by the malicious server. To address this security vulnerability, we propose a new PEKS framework named Dual-Server Public Key Encryption with Keyword Search (DS-PEKS). As another main contribution, we define a new variant of the Smooth Projective Hash Functions (SPHFs) referred to as linear and homomorphic SPHF (LH-SPHF). We then show a generic construction of secure DS-PEKS from LH-SPHF. To illustrate the feasibility of our new framework, we provide an efficient instantiation of the general framework from a DDH-based LH-SPHF and show that it can achieve the strong security against inside KGA.

ATS_DN16_019 - A recommendation system based on hierarchical clustering of an article-level citation network
The scholarly literature is expanding at a rate that necessitates intelligent algorithms for search and navigation.For the most part, the problem of delivering scholarly articles has been solved. If one knows the title of an article, locating it requires little effort and, paywalls permitting, acquiring a digital copy has become trivial.However, the navigational aspect of scientific search – finding relevant, influential articles that one does not know exist – is in its early development. In this paper, we introduce Eigenfactor Recommends – a citation-based method for improving scholarly navigation. The algorithm uses the hierarchical structure of scientific knowledge, making possible multiple scales of relevance for different users. We implement the method and generate more than 300 million recommendations from more than 35 million articles from various bibliographic databases including the AMiner dataset. We find little overlap with co-citation, another well-known citation recommender, which indicates potential complementarity. In an online A-B comparison using SSRN, we find that our approach performs as well as co-citation, but this new approach offers much larger recommendation coverage. We make the code and recommendations freely available at and provide an API for others to use for implementing and comparing the recommendations on their own platforms.

ATS_DN16_020 - Efficient Group Key Transfer Protocol for WSNs
          Special designs are needed for cryptographic schemes in wireless sensor networks (WSNs). This is because sensor nodes are limited in memory storage and computational power. The existing group key transfer protocols for WSNs using classical secret sharing require that a t-degree interpolating polynomial be computed in order to encrypt and decrypt the secret group key. This approach is too computationally intensive. In this paper, we propose a new group key transfer protocol using a linear secret sharing scheme (LSSS) and factoring assumption. The proposed protocol can resist potential attacks and also significantly reduce the computation complexity of the system while maintaining low communication cost. Such a scheme is desirable for secure group communications in wireless sensor networks (WSNs), where portable devices or sensors need to reduce their computation as much as possible due to battery power limitations.

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